Webinar Contemporary Application of Jing Fang



Zhang Zhong, Jing the author of Shang Han Za Bing Lun in the  Eastern  Han era (circa 190- 210 AD) is regarded as a sage and pioneer of traditional Chinese medicine. Zhang Zhong Jing basing his theory on the concept of six channel pattern differentiation found in Su Wen: Re Lun (Su Wen Chapter 31: Discourse on Heat), Zhang Zhong Jing identified a range of patterns, which he then analysed and differentiated according to their pathogenesis and symptomatology, describing various pattern changes associated with externally contracted disease. Thus he provided an innovative and comprehensive system of Six Channel pattern differentiation. As a contemporary TCM practitioners, one should not mechanically inherit the theory and treatment strategies of Shang Han Lun instead, we should comprehend and capture the essence of Shang Han Lun and Jin Gui Yao Lue’s treatment strategies.

The contemporary application of Jing Fang is based on the development of  modern diseases, the pathogenesis and key symptoms to determine the optimum selection of Jing Fang. In recent years, researches on modern pharmacology of Chinese medicine has achieved important results. Most of the results on herbs can be combined with the traditional Chinese Medicine pattern identification to enhance  the chemical indicators of many contemporary diseases. In short, the objective of our two live webinars is to share with the attendees some of the targeted herbs and dosages based on recent years researches on pharmacology to fast track the clinical outcome.

Ways of improving physical and chemical indicators of modern diseases with Chinese medicine:

With the advent of modern researches on single Chinese herbs, this has provided a platform for treatment of chronic disease with no significant symptoms, while the addition of a couple of single herbs can significantly improve the chemical indicators.

For example, abnormal blood lipids is a prevalent condition of metabolic abnormality, the targeted treatment strategy is to  alleviate turbidity by using herbs such as Hong Qu, Shan Za and Wu Gu Chong 五谷虫 etc.  Likewise, bitter and sour herbs have similar effect on the reduction of blood sugar for diabetes patients.  Frequently used herbs are Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Da Huang, Zhi Mu and Cang Zhu.

Treatment with anti-rheumatic drugs such as Wei Ling Xian, Qin Pi and Qin Jiao for management  of damp bi can promote the fast excretion of uric acid, lower the blood uric acid which in turn can effectively contain the further deterioration  of the disorder.

Free handbook of Zhao Bing Nan

The translated version of "Zhao Bing Nan TCM Handbook on Skin Diseases" is due to be published on Greta Young's Pearls of Wisdom website soon. This handbook would be of great interest to all the TCM practitioners who have a special interest in the treatment of many skin diseases. In order to reward the attendees and to celebrate her  forthcoming 20th Anniversary of Pearls of Wisdom Chinese Medicine, Greta Young would like to offer this translated version of Zhao Bing Nan's Handbook as a gift to  the first 45 registered attendees of the Jing Fang webinar.

During his many years of practice, Zhao Bing Nan formulated many specialized formulas both for internal ingestion and topical application of which treatment was very successful. During his lifelong clinical treatment of many prevalent skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, chronic urticaria just to name a few, he has written a Handbook for TCM treatments of many skin diseases. This special handbook was used as a reference guide to all the TCM skin practitioners and students and is meant to be for internal use only. Pearls of Wisdom is very honoured to be given the permission to publish this "Zhao Bing Nan TCM Handbook on Skin Diseases 赵炳南中医皮肤病" which was to be exclusively used by practitioners and students of  the Dermatology Department of Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Contemporary Application of Jing Fang

  • Origin of Jing Fang
  • Relationship between Symptoms, Syndromes and Diseases in Jing Fang
  • The Principle of Dosage based on different treatment strategy
  • Dosage of targeted herbs for modern clinical applications on many  prevalent diseases
  • Dosage of Commonly used Jing Fang Herbs
  • Discussion on the Dosage of Shang Han Lun versus contemporary dosage to target modern diseases
  • Nomination of some frequently used herbs in Jing Fang and the relevant dosage
  • New contemporary concept of Shang Han
  • Symptoms, Syndromes and Diseases: Theoretical Model of Modern Pharmacological Research and Clinic
  • Discussion of the applications of paired herbs
  • Focus on the chief complaints: Grasping the main symptoms, distinguishing the formula pattern combined with the relevant disease are the basic TCM diagnosis and treatment
  • Discussion on improving the chemical indicators in blood tests and clinical application of Chinese medicine
  • The principle and Indicators of herbal  selection and their clinical use
  • Case Studies: Contemporary Jing Fang applications in the management of Diabetes Nephropathy

TCM Herbalists

€160,- including hand-out (ppt)

Free Zhao Bing Nan TCM Handbook on Skin Diseases for the first 45 registered attendees 

Online webinar

Date and time:

Part: Saturday 18 September and Sunday 19 September 2021, 10am -1pm

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